Ki Shusui Harvest
What happened with the 2016 ki shusui spawn?

We have a small but lovely "herd" but due to weather, we will postpone harvesting the F2s until May 2017. Thanks for your patience.

Below; pix of the October 2015 pull, some of the residents of the Ki Shusui Project pond and koi kichi at work sorting the fish.  :)
2016 Spawn!
The six ki shusui oyagoi captured and pictured on this page, spawned on May 12, 2016. Fry expected to hatch on May 18. Will post photos and news as there is news to report!

Comprehensive report of the Ki Shusui Project Pull 10-8-16

 Team Ki

This is a short but comprehensive report!

1. We pulled the Big Pond. It took buncha hours and we had a great catered lunch. 

2. All of the original F1 oyagoi were spotted and pulled out of the mud.  

3. John Clark, my friend who pulls the net and makes this project possible, took
700 small fish to grow on. The rest were returned to be pulled again in May.
4. Photos:
Pictured shusui is from Hosokai and is one of the original parent fish.
Also pictured, some of my very good F1 ki shusui oyagoi, see Harvest 2015, and
in my hand, a promising 2014 ki shusui. :)

Also, friends gathered, me in my hi-fashion waders sorting fish with John Clark. 

5. We will pull the F2s in the LOWER Pond in May 2017.  
 They look beautiful from land, but I am looking forward to bowling them
 and getting a closer look. We hope to breed them in 2018.  

Attached Images Attached Images        

A few more photos from Saturday's pull.

Here are miscellaneous photos from the harvest; a couple of ki asagi, some of last years' baby ki shusui growing up, decanting the 2016 flock spawn kiddos, pond refilling now 
Attached Images Attached Images             
 Here are links to the Youtube videos from the Oct. 2016 Harvest. 

 It was a really terrific day. The F1 oyagoi who spawned in May looked wonderful so they live to spawn again. The fish in these nets are ki shusui, ki asagi, midori, ayawakaba, doitsu ogon, one hariwake, and muttagoi from the resulting flock spawns.
 The videos are pretty short! Enjoy the movies. 

~~~~Twelve seconds that are the entire point of the last seven years!~~~~

Ki asagi (and random asagi friend) 

Another tancho ki shusui:

First pull of the seine net. 

Sorting the big koi Part One 

Sorting the koi Part Two 

Sorting -- Part Three

Collecting the little flock spawn kiddos: 700 rehomed, 58 kept to grow on.

We do not sell koi -- or anything else! This site is a documentation of my ki shusui breeding efforts and results. Thanks for stopping by. :wave: